Tuesday, December 28, 2010

View From The Bridge 12/29/2010

“VIEW from the BRIDGE”
By Muncie

I have lived a good many years; however, I have not yet seen a year that has gone by as quickly as 2010. It is time to say, “HAPPY NEW YEAR”, and to whatever the New Year brings. There will be many changes and we expect that we will adjust to them, as we do not have much of a choice. The only things certain are death and taxes and that is a subject…,”the less said the better.”

So make New Year’s Day a new beginning as every day should be. We look forward to spring, Easter and Summer Celebration. In the meanwhile, keep warm and cozy and enjoy the days getting longer.

I would like to share the Morger Family Christmas present with you. It was the most exciting Christmas that we ever had as Wally’s great grandson, Garrett Thomas, was born in the late afternoon. Everyone that is told about the birth says, “How wonderful, a Christmas Baby.”

He decided to make his appearance about 10:00 a.m. when Grammy Valerie and her family were just finishing opening their gifts to each other here in Fort Benton. She packed up quickly and was driven to Helena. We waited anxiously for six or seven hours answering every phone call with, “Is it a boy or a girl and how is Tessa?”

Garrett is the son of Tom and Tessa Bley McGree. Tessa is the daughter of Valerie Morger who is Wally’s oldest daughter. Garrett joins the family to make the count of three great grandchildren. His sisters, Molly and Sophia, are now seven and five years old respectively.

Someone that does not live in Fort Benton has told me, that they do not read the “View” because I sometimes write about people they do not know. I tried in these paragraphs to outline the family lineage. Those of you, who know the Morger family will rejoice with us and if you do not know the family, will now know us a bit more personally.

I know personally that many of you had family and friends come from afar. You must have some great Christmas stories and I would like very much to hear about them.

Looking forward to January 6th when our Longhorns and Lady Longhorns will be playing Geraldine here at home court. GO…BOTH TEAMS.

We have to wait until Wednesday, January 28th for the next Chouteau County Performing Arts program. Do we or do we not have a lot of winter before us? The only redeeming factor is that the whole country is feeling the effects of the cold and snow.

We saw a very informative program about the “Almanac” on TV and it covered pros and cons. Whether you are a believer or not, you must admit that, they hit the nail on the head with the 2010 version. Almost makes me want to buy the 2011 edition.

I always love saying this the last week of the year. “Well, I will not be with you until next year or I’ll be seeing you next year.” It sounds so distant and perhaps by saying it, the days will go by more slowly. I know this “View” is short and hopefully sweet but there has not been much activity around town. Everyone has been enjoying Christmas with their families and friends or else they left town to visit families and friends. Whatever the case, so long for now.