By Muncie
Both of these events were scheduled for the 16th of December at the same time 7:00 p.m. Many people were urging that the Fort Benton High School Concert be well attended since the fall concert was not.
At the Bingo game on Monday the 2nd of December, raised hands showed that most of the players were going to attend the High School Concert. As a result, the Bingo game was CANCELLED for the 16th. To show our new music teacher/band leader that we appreciate the hard work that he and the students in the band put in, lets fill the auditorium to capacity. Let us hope that the weather cooperates and will not keep music lovers from attending as it did with the last 2 CCPA presentations. Please make an effort to be there.
From all reports, the Chouteau County Country Christmas was a resounding success. It was an absolutely gorgeous day and that means a lot in our part of the country.
I attended Bridgeport Station to enjoy Tonya’s Taco Soup. I look forward to that every year. I also listened to the Barbershop Quartet from Havre who have favored us with great Christmas songs for about three or four years now. We welcome them back.
They said that they had added a couple of songs to their presentation and one was “I wish you a Merry Christmas”, and they sang it in Spanish. The other was from sheet music I gave them last year of my favorite Christmas song that is “Mary’s Boy Chile”. (Yes, Chile is spelled correctly.) It was a wonderful surprise and made my day.
I am sure that you found some wonderful Christmas gifts. My daughter, Jennifer, found a great blanket to buy with fish on it for her hubby who recently had surgery. He is an avid fisherman. My other Marine Corp Detachment friend, Sue, found a huge Christmas pillow. They were both so thrilled.
Afterward we headed for Front Street. It was like my Hallmark movies with the sidewalks full of shoppers walking the length of the street. Each of the open houses had treats and they were welcome for dessert after lunch.
I truly love Chouteau County Country Christmas because of our small rural community. I would like to thank all of you readers who said hello to me and told me that you read the View. I’ll pass that on to my editor, Bethany, and perhaps she will let me keep writing another year or so.
A note to Judy. I do not have your phone number so I can call you and this is an easy way to get in touch with you. I have not been able to do what you asked me in your letter because of the weather. My street is not paved and is now a sea of mud. With snow starting in September, it was impossible with travel with my Go-Go.
So please send me your phone number and we can chat about it. Oh, by the way, Merry Christmas and I wish I had a rock to send you.
I know I never get tired of music and at this time of the year Christmas music. The annual Christmas Concert will be Sunday at 3:00 p.m. at the Fort Benton Elementary. Wylie Gustafson, a Cowboy singer, will entertain us with both Christmas songs and also old Cowboy classics.
The Christmas Concert used to be the next day after Bridgeport but somewhere along the line it was changed. I am so happy about that because tomorrow, Sunday the 8th, it is supposed to snow. That always puts a crimp on attendance at any kind of events planned. We will meet there.
The annual Shonkin Potluck will take place on Sunday the 15th. The Shonkin residents are great people about getting together for events at their Community Hall.
The women in Shonkin have only to supply veggies, salads, and desserts. The men of the community are cooking the turkeys. Wow! Sounds like heaven to me. I was never a farm wife. I never had to cook huge dinners for hu-mong-ous families or harvest crews. Those women who have done that or still do it are ANGELS in my mind.
So, everyone in the Shonkin area enjoy your annual Potluck celebration and thank you for letting us know and that we are invited.
Fort Benton gained a great new couple a year ago. They purchased the Zanto house and this past summer Christy’s parents, Judy and Dennis, moved here from Wisconsin.
Christy and Ed like to decorate and they have exciting displays for the holidays. This season they did a wooden cutout holes for faces of Christmas children. You are invited to stop by and take pictures of your Kiddos. Many families have already done that. You are welcome at any time, day or night. Let them see you there!
Another interesting item about this family is that Ed just joined the Guard. If you see him, please tell him how proud we all are of his service. He truly loves his United States of America.
While at Bridgeport, on Saturday, I got a report that a robin was seen the past week. I think we went through this last year too, that there are some robins that stay around all year.
Would you please let me know if any of you see robins? My number is in the book.
I love those birds. I was concerned that every other bird feeder was providing seed and peanuts for Blue Jays. I was given a log of peanuts and put a dozen or so every day with the feed. I was so surprised when being brought home the other day that my driver saw Blue Jays at the Red Dot Diner feeder. Hurray! Welcome to breakfast.
I saw on the news a Secret Santa who gave away $100.00 bills. He said that it was a deed of kindness. It made him and would make you feel so good to be kind.
Wear red on Fridays! That is not difficult to do at Christmas time.