Tuesday, July 19, 2011

View From The Bridge 7/20/2011

“VIEW from the BRIDGE”
by Muncie

Where were you when the hailstorm hit on last Saturday evening? I would hope that you were at home, however I know several people who were driving their vehicles. Do you remember how you will always remember where you were for instance when President Kennedy was shot, Martin Luther was shot, and the 7/11 attack? I think that is the same with storms. You always remember the violent ones and especially the flooding ones.

The 10:00 Channel 3 weather report showed a picture of Fort Benton’s hail on the street. We did not catch the name of the woman who sent the picture to the station. Please identify yourself if you read this issue of the View. We would like to know the person who was so quick, not the trigger but, on the snap of a camera.

Do any of you readers have good “Hail” stories? Please share with me. All I remember is the first year I was here, in 1993; we stood on our front porch and watched a hailstorm just like last Saturday. I had never seen one up close and personal as that one.

After writing about the planter project last week it was a great disappointment to find that it will have to be postponed until October. After consulting with Hank Armstrong, our guide to the Square Butte Quarry, he said after making a trip to the Quarry, that the weeds had grown so high it would be impossible to see the granite rocks. Another deterrent would be those snakes with the rattles on their tails. Do not like those rattlers, love those bull snakes although it sometimes takes time to figure out which is which. Actually, I am not in the mood at this time for any kind of snake. Why don’t they sleep all day and slither around during the night when no one is walking in their territory?

The first Farmer’s Market of the season began last Thursday with just a few vendors but that will change in the coming weeks. These events need support from the community so make a trip to the Levee on Thursdays. There is always something for everyone and what a pleasant time to meet and visit with your friends and neighbors. Sit awhile with a glass of cool lemonade and enjoy your surroundings. Just think about how many people would like to sit beside the Missouri River in the oldest city in Montana.

Last Saturday was an interesting day downtown. I first visited the Peddlers Fair on the Levee and picked up a couple of treasures that I couldn’t live without.

I stopped in the Visitors Information Center to check out the Shep Brick record sheets and visit with Jessie. She had been entertaining a couple for 45 minutes and they acted as if they were going to stay all day.

The next stop was the County Shoppe’s Open House. There were enough snacks to count for a good lunch and the cool drinks were just the thing for that very hot day. It is a very attractive store and many art treasures to satisfy everyone’s taste.

The Co-Op had picked up another artist, and even though I did not check it out, I think that means the Shoppe will be open 4 days a week instead of 3 days. You will feel very comfortable shopping there. The Shoppe is attractively decorated and I am envious of the talented artist’s work. I’ll steal this line from my husband, Wally, when asked if his artist son, Brian, got his talent from him…”I have trouble drawing a breath.”

Everyone is asking me what is going to take the place of the old building, behind the Laundromat, that is now being demolished. It is probably because I live across the street but I have to confess that I did not even know what was happening. The “destruction crew” has been so quite. It was not until last Thursday that I went into my yard, looked across the street to see through the windows that the back wall was gone.

I called Trampus, who owns the building, for an answer and spoke with his wife, Staci. Now there are no definite plans. I will let you know as soon as I know anything at all.

It is not going to happen. Trampus also owns the present car wash and last year he hired a professional man to do feasibility study. The man went to all the towns and cities in the area and came up with this result. Every family in every town and city would have to wash their vehicle/vehicles at least once a week to make it worthwhile to bring in an automatic car wash. I promised Trampus that I would wash my vehicles once a week during the summer but it did not cut any ice.

I love a clean car/truck especially if I am going somewhere; however, I am getting too old to handle that chore. I remember as a teenager washing my dad’s ’39 Ford that was the vehicle in which I learned to drive. I used the garden hose, a sponge and wiped it dry with an old towel. We did not have car washes back in the “Good Old Days.”

Did you know that there is a list of the sponsor, the print on the brick, and the location at the Visitor’s Information Center? If you are interested in purchasing a brick (for $100.00), there are forms on the back of the Shep brochure. They are available at the Visitors Center.

The most recent bricks that were placed are: 1. Don and Betty Hardy for their dog, ”Good Dog – Hardy.” 2. Mike Krall purchased three bricks that read “Austin, Maud Lynch,” “Koot Mike Glenda,” and “Margaret Lynch.” 5. The Volunteers at the Visitor’s Information Center purchased a memorial brick for Ruth Carlstrom’s Mother, “Edna Nutter.” 6. Wally and Muncie Morger purchased for their daughter Wallis’ family dog, “Scout Loved Birds.” 7. Mark Syverson purchased for “Poko Two-Dot.”

This is an on-going program that began 15 or 16 years ago. Gail Stensland was a staunch organizer and for years took care of placing the bricks. Gail has retired and Diane and Steve Vielleux have taken over. Diane and Pam Schoonover keep me informed about the orders and when the bricks are placed. The last I remember there were still about 400 bricks to be sold. If course I cannot remember when that was. Join the crowd.

Everything seems quiet after Summer Celebration and the 4th of July. Grass still needs cutting and weeds pulled, (mine are out of control.) I have a “Weeder Wanted” sign in my front yard but so far, no one has applied for the position. It’s o.k. though because in a few months they will all be expired. I had the weeds sprayed but I know for sure that they did not pay the least bit of attention. I think they thought it was fertilizer.

Other than that, we are enjoying the summer finally. Come by in the evening and enjoy a glass of iced tea in our gazebo. It is so very pleasant and we would love to visit with you. (By evening I mean after Jeopardy is over from Monday through Friday, Lawrence Welk is over on Saturday, and 60 Minutes is over on Sunday.) We are on that kind of schedule being old-timers.