Tuesday, August 4, 2015

View From The Bridge 8/5/15

VIEW from the BRIDGE
By Muncie

What a treat to see the Full (Blue) Moon on the 29th of July. The sky was perfectly clear that evening and it rose above the bluffs about 9:30 or thereabouts. By midnight it was high in the sky and that was the last I saw of it. This month it will be full on the 29th again.

The August Moon is called the Sturgeon Moon. The fishing tribes were given credit for naming the moon because sturgeon, a large fish, was readily caught in the Great Lakes and other large bodies of water. Another name is the Full Red Moon because as it rises it appears to be reddish through any sultry haze. Other tribes called it the Green Corn Moon or the Grain Moon.

I made a trip to the Sheriff’s office that houses the fascinating room where the 911 calls come in. I was checking to check out that my Freedom Alert was working properly.

The week before Summer Celebration I told you the story about a young boy who was bitten by a rattler in Big Sandy. The Responders could not reach him and Mercy Flight was called to transport him to Great Falls.

That was the weekend of the Big Sandy High School reunion where three of my granddaughters graduated. When they returned from the festivities, I asked if anyone mentioned the boy who was bitten. No one heard any reports nor was there any info in the newspapers.

Last Friday when I went to the Sheriff’s office, I asked about the boy who was bitten. The reason the Mercy Flight had to transport him was because he was on a canoe trip on the remote part of the Missouri River. He is doing fine and that is a little more information than I knew before. Did you remember the incident?

The year has rolled around again and Thursday you can enjoy the Taste of Chouteau County, the Farmer’s Market, and Shakespeare in the Park in the Old Fort Benton Park. I refer to it as a dinner theatre. Choose your dinner from a great menu of local restaurants and local food vendors and then enjoy the performance. What more could you ask for, lounging on your own chairs and eating outdoors? (Remember your bug spray.)

The weather promises to be much cooler than it was at Summer Celebration time. Enjoy because the next entertainment will be the Chouteau County Performing Arts starting in October.

Mentioning the Chouteau County Performing Arts above reminds me that season tickets are now available. They are discounted if you buy before the first performance. There will be a CCPA table at Thursday festivities at the Old Fort Park. I would like to see every seat sold out at the Fort Benton Elementary School. If you have not yet seen the newly upholster seats, you have a pleasant surprise. They are beautiful as well as very comfortable.

The dates and performers were listed in last week’s edition. The schedule looks fantastic and you have a choice to pick and choose the ones you would like to attend. However, buy a seasons ticket to support the CCPA. See you there.

I am walking at the Ag Museum every day now because the high school is closed. They are working on the floors and want them to dry for two weeks because that is when football practice begins. Can you believe that school begins this month and there will be a football game? I am looking forward to the end of the month because it will be cooling off. (Sorry Kids, the summer is going so quickly.)

Since I walk at the Ag Museum, I will be seeing football practice out there on the football field. In case you are not familiar with Fort Benton, the High School football field is across the street from the Ag Museum.

I am starting the View on Saturday, the 1st, and at 5:00 p.m. my three weather stations registered 102 degrees. It is way too hot for me and perhaps next summer I will have to spend it in Iceland. Who is coming with me?

Hey River Press. Thank you for that puzzle two weeks ago. (You didn’t have one last week.) That is my kind of puzzle. I never got into crossword puzzles. I am not smarter than a 5th grader. I really enjoyed my Sukoku and hope you find space to do it again. Anyone else out amongst you readers who would comment on it?

It is obvious that most people in Fort Benton think that I know everything. Honestly, I do not and only stumble onto bits of information here, there and everywhere. I was told a couple of weeks ago that “Muncie can get things stirred up.) Yes, I am curious but usually get answers long before I began to look for them.

As for the Catholic Church Rectory, I did delve into what is happening because I was being inundated with questions about it. I called the Fultz’s today and Diana was most gracious as to my “nosey” questions.

Yes, the rectory is ready to move having been detached from the foundation. They are waiting on the moving company to set a date. I had read in the River Press a paragraph about not being able to move the buildings down the street. They were to be moved down the alley.  ????? What was that all about? What alley?

Diana clarified the situation by telling that the garage will be moved first down the alley to 16th St. and then to St. Charles north. That will make room to move the rectory the same way.

I told Diana that most everyone wants to watch. We should make a big event out of it with food and drinks along the way as we follow along. (I hope it isn’t scheduled for a hot day.)  So, now you know what I know and just learned. The event is something to look forward to. It isn’t often that a house is moved.

The next move is up to the hospital/clinic. I have been told that there will be another public hearing. We are up in the air about when and what there is to learn.

My father taught me JUSTICE. “One day you’ll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you.” (I wish I had a dime for every time I heard that.)