Tuesday, October 30, 2018

View From The Bridge 10/31/18

By Muncie

I say this because I would like it to be a nice day for the Kiddos who will be Trick or Treating. Looking back there have been Indian Summer evenings, rain, and those terrible snowy evenings. According to Monday’s weather report there may be some rain and hopefully it will wait until about midnight. So, I hope you have a wonderful evening and share some of those goodies with your parents.

Did you see that most beautiful full moon on the 24th of October? It seemed almost like daylight. I could see the hollow tree across the street and although looking kind of spooky, it was wonderful. It shined through my bedroom window most of the night. It makes it a little easier to tolerate the daylight leaving totally by 6:30 p.m.

On Monday, November 5th at the Sunrise Bluffs will by their fun pinochle party. They have prizes and refreshments and everyone is welcome. It all begins at 1:00 p.m. and a good time will be had by all.

If you were not at the Elementary School last Tuesday to enjoy Shades of Buble, you again missed one of the best shows ever. I was of that opinion but it was not only my opinion. I heard it from many others.

Another treat for me was that I attended the school program at 1:00 in the afternoon. One of the members of the Shades of Buble is also a part of Two on Tap that performed in Fort Benton about 5 years ago.

The CCPA Board and the Shades of Buble thought that their program was a little much for the youngsters. The other half of Two on Tap happened to be in Montana and came to Fort Benton to put on a tap -dancing lesson for the students. It was spectacular. I think they all went home and asked their parents if they could take tap lessons, (at least I hope they did.)

Here again comes up the subject of boys learning to dance. It is so important for co-ordination and self- esteem. It is especially important at prom time. O.K. You don’t want to take lessons. Then have your older sister, cousin or even your Mom teach you how to dance. You will not be sorry. I would feel very good if even one of you would let me know that you did what I suggested here and you were happy you did.

I was able to attend the Shonkin party because Connie Jenkins is originally from Shonkin and knows many people that live there. (Of course, Connie knows many people from everywhere.)

You could or did not have to wear a costume. They gave prizes to those who did dress up for the occasion and I ended up with some delicious cinnamon rolls as a prize.

What I love about this event is the auction. The committee had gathered up many new and slightly used items for auction. Renee was the auctioneer and she is a riot. She has a helper and I thought I heard that it was her sister. (I’ll have to check on that.)

I wanted to bid on a set of red, white, and blue kitchen towels. It started at $1.00 and I began bidding. Someone at the back of the room began bidding against me. I was told that it was John Evers when I turned around as asked who it was. I did get the towels. My next purchase was a blender. Before I started bidding I turned around and asked, “Mr. Evers, are you interested in the blender.” It brought a lot of laughs but I want to publicly say I am sorry to Mr. Evers for putting him on the spot. Sometimes I blurt out a statement before I think about what I am saying. So, I am sorry and it will not happen again.  He was so gracious and said we are still friends. Whew! I’m glad I got that over with.

On to other parts of this story. There was quite a crowd this year and although there were ads in the River Press, we thought that word of mouth increased the participants. The lasagna dinner was excellent and a good time was had by all. See you next year and I will report at a later time what they will be doing to improve their community building.

The 2nd and 4th of November is the continuation of fall cleanup.

Recycle day is on the 3rd and I hope I don’t forget because I have quite a few months piled up.

Daylight Savings time is back again on the 4th. Remember to fall back.

Bingo at the Club House by the VFW will be every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. Come to enjoy an evening of fun and bring a friend.

Then on the 6th is the day we have all been waiting for to vote and not have to watch any more of those commercials. We are all tired, tired, tired, of those commercials. However, DO GO OUT AND VOTE.


I cannot imagine in any sense of the word to be married to a man in the service of our country, a police officer, or a fire fighter. They go off to work in the morning and you would never know if they would be back home that evening.

Not only are these persons mentioned above but are you over yet what happened last Saturday. You are not safe no matter where you go even to worship. No one has come up with answers. I know that I am preaching but frankly…I am frightened for my family and everyone’s family’s.