Monday, June 8, 2009

View from the Bridge

“VIEW from the BRIDGE”
by Muncie Morger

How would you like to enjoy an interesting, exciting, learning experience evening? Attend a City Council meeting. I have periodically attended meetings (not very often this past winter) and Mayor Morris asking for public comment calls on me. I say that I have just come to visit. Do you really know your council member? Do you really know how they feel about ordinances that are discussed or the problems that the City has with grants, and other issues. I know that many of you only speak to them when you have a problem. I realize that everyone is terribly busy and overloaded with responsibility but it is your City and you elected your council member. Attending a meeting will afford you the opportunity to get to know them better. The regular hours for the meetings are the first and third Mondays of each month at 7:30 p.m. If a holiday falls on a Monday, the meetings are held the following evening. Hope to see you there next meeting.

Speaking about the next meeting, it is a very important one for those of you who enjoy the Steamboat Levee Walking Trail. There will be discussion about extending the Trail in the area beyond where it now ends. It is a beautiful area for extension and if you are not familiar with it, take a walk, a bike ride or in your vehicle and check it out. You can drive down in that lower area safely. Letters, in favor or not in favor, are to be in by June 17th but they would prefer that you send them in time for the meeting on June 15th. Attend the meeting and find out how this project would be paid for and other plans for the area. Again, hope to see you there.

Everywhere I go lately, I hear, “Have you see John Turner yet?” I attended a meeting last week with Police Chief John Turner and he related that he couldn’t count the number of times he has heard, “Have you found Muncie yet.” O.K. It’s over, it’s done, it’s finished. I am innocent and that gas card is to blame. Why, in your right mind, would you drive away from a gas station without paying in a small town like this? I may be old but I have a good memory (it’s just a little short.)

The programs are all in place and the schedules are available all over town and available on the internet at Invite all your family and friends, as it will be the biggest and best yet. As I looked over the program, I was again frustrated about trying to be everywhere at the same time when I have to volunteer a few times. I don’t want to miss anything especially the entertainment. It’s just two weeks from Friday….see you there.

Nothing new to report here. I have not heard from any of the other classes. Sure hope that all of the Alumni are getting together as time goes more quickly as you get older.


All benches, tables, and plaques have been ordered and if all goes well (the weather cooperating) they will be in place for Summer Celebration. These orders mark the end for the bench program, as there are no more spots to place them. Orders for tables will still be available but since the price of the plaques has increased dramatically, the price of placing a table will have to be increased. I have suggested that two families could go together with a plaque for both on each table. That would cut the cost to around $300.00 each. This has been one of my favorite programs and it is so enjoyable to see the Visitors and the Community using the Trail and using the benches.

This past week in the mail, we received a newsletter from Fort Harrison in Helena called “Volunteers in the Know!” It honors the Veteran volunteers for their hours of volunteerism during the years. I have tried many times to encourage volunteering mainly at the Visitors Information Center. I thought this article in the Fort Harrison paper would catch your eye and perhaps encourage seniors to volunteer. “SENIORS WHO VOLUNTEER MAY LIVE LONGER.” (Retirees over 65 who volunteered had less than half the risk of dying compared to their non-volunteering peers, according to a study presented May 2nd at the American Geriatrics Society annual meeting, in Chicago. Volunteering seems to be associated with self-efficacy” or a belief in your own abilities to accomplish certain tasks. People who have higher self-efficacy may believe themselves more capable of accomplishing those tasks.”) So, get yourselves down to the Visitors Center and volunteer today so we have you around longer. We need you.

I have been asked to remind all of you, adults, young people, teen-agers, and children, to wear your seat belts in town. We tend not to wear them around town when we wouldn’t dream of not wearing them on the highway. Around town, we are in and out of our vehicles and it is a bother to keep buckling up. However, it is the law and there have been some incidents in town that those involved should have be wearing a seat belt. Try to get in the habit and remind your family and friends. If they ride in your vehicle, insist that they snap on their belts. Do not start your vehicle until everyone is buckled up. If an officer for any reason stops you and you do not have your belt on, you will be ticketed. In addition, if you are using your cell phone, dialing, or texting, it takes as much brainpower to do that as to drive. That means you cannot dial your phone or text (do two things at one time) while you are driving. Pull off the road if you must talk on your phone or make a call. Be safe rather than sorry.

From my “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” book today I read, “We’re so blessed to be alive, to be God’s guest on this beautiful planet.” To that I would like to add, “And especially in Fort Benton, Montana, God’s country.”