Wednesday, May 16, 2018

View From The Bridge 5/16/18

VIEW from the BRIDGE
Muncie Morger

I’m making excuses about forgetfulness. I completely forgot about Mother’s Day. I sincerely wish that you all had a wonderful day. You Mothers are all so special and deserve all the love coming to you.

I have been totally spaced out the last few weeks and things are looking up now. The trees are all budded out and I actually already received a bouquet of lilacs. My apartment smells like spring. Our grass was cut this week and that smells so fresh. It is also a beautiful color of green.

 As I rode through the park this week one day, I was amazed that the trees had budded out. It seems they did that overnight. With the warm days we had and a couple of rainy days it is for sure spring is here.

I also forgot to wish you a “May the forth be with you” on May 4th.

I am looking forward, someday soon, watching those movies from the beginning to the latest release. Anyone want to join me?

Last Thursday afternoon at the Grand Union Hotel the sweet sounds of the Cello entertained 50 plus people. The program was Chopin’s music and his history was so enlightening. Chopin died at 39 years of age and we cannot possibly image what music he would have created if he had lived longer.

On May 27th, the Accordion Band from Great Falls will be entertaining at the Sunrise Bluffs. They are a volunteer band that comes to Fort Benton once a year. They play all kinds of music. There is also dancing although not very many couples take advantage of that.

I hope that there will be a large crowd that will come even though they do not dance.  Dancing is encouraged and there is a gentleman who is always looking for a partner. Just to listen to the music is worth the trip.

There will be a dinner at the Bluffs at 1:00. Please call Karla at 622- 5443 for a reservation. They need a head count to know how many there will be for dinner. The music begins at about 1:30 p.m. They take requests and can accommodate your request for almost anything you can request. (But please do not ask for Beethoven’s 5th. That would be a little much.)

Please make an effort to enjoy this delightful afternoon. These musicians are all volunteers and give a great deal of their time practicing, driving here there and everywhere, and performing. Show them that you appreciate their efforts by making an effort to attend. See you there.

Plan on making a trip to Benton Pharmacy on Friday June 8th. The annual party is loads of fun and lots of food. Our Chris Halko is Jimmy’s best fan in Montana much like I am with Garth Brooks.

There will be lots of conversation, music, and just in general a fun party. See you there.

Please check the community calendar in the River Press for upcoming events.  There are events going on every day or so it seems.  Put the dates on your calendar now before you forget.

There are many school events including several concerts.  Don’t forget the plant exchange and sale and the Shriner’s fund raiser at the Pour House in the next few weeks.

Even though I mark my calendar I like reminders. So call your family and friends to remind them and perhaps there will come a day when your will get a call for an event you forgot about. (I hear a lot about “I forgot.”)

One lovely day last week I was returning home along Main Street. There on the street were a group of youngsters painting the Buffalo Tracks that lead from the Museum of the Upper Missouri to the Agricultural Center. These tracks are such a great way for volunteers are the museums and visitors center to guide visitors from one museum to the other.

I inquired as to who was doing the painting and found that it was “THE HONOR SOCIETY” of Fort Benton High School. What a tremendously great project that is and is much appreciated by our community. We thank you very much as well as the Longhorns cleanup for making our city the nicest it can be. (How I wish I had your energy.)

This announcement is difficult for me because I am emotionally involved. I have had conversations with both sides and can understand both.

I heard a rumor last week that the Center will not be open on Saturday and Sunday beginning in June. The most urgent reason is finances. I do not believe that there are any of us who are not having problems with our budgets. Everything keeps costing more and more.

The Center is and has been hit hard with inflation especially the cost of food. There is also the cost of maintenance and hiring extra help for Sundays, Tuesday, and cinnamon roll days.

I have wondered over the past few years, how the Center manages to know how much to prepare. For some reason they always seemed to manage. It has now become a problem for several reasons. For example, the food that was prepared for Mother’s Day for 5o people had an attendance was 15 for dinner.

Another problem was reservations for the once -a- month dinners on Tuesday late afternoon. Reservations were required with a limit of 48 people. Reservations were made but the reservists did not show. What do you do with all those special dinners?

One excuse for those Tuesday dinners was the weather. If I remember correctly 2 of the dinners were cancelled because of snow storms.

This cancellation of the Saturday and Sunday meals is only temporary. I would like the members to give suggestions to the members of the board. This Senior Center has been in existence for years. I have seen, here in Fort Benton that things change temporarily and never return to the way they were.

So, Members of the Golden Age Senior Center put on your thinking caps and come up with some solutions to SAVE the CENTER.

Would you accept a rise in price? (You cannot get a dinner for $4.00 anywhere.) Would you like a raise in the yearly membership cost? Would you like just a lunch menu instead of a dinner?

The reason I am emotional about this happening is because I so enjoyed my Sundays with dinner at the Center. Most of the women at my table are widows and do not cook any longer. It was such a wonderful social time and a fresh start of the week. What is going to happen to the puzzle people and the card players? Will they just continue during the week? It seems to me that it would not be as fun because people have things to do during the week.

So, there it is and whatever happens is up to you. Come up with some great ideas to keep things like they used to be. Let the Board know your ideas and feelings about the situation.