Tuesday, December 17, 2013

View From The Bridge 12/18/13

“VIEW from the BRIDGE”
By Muncie

Today is my last chance to wish you the happiest Christmas ever.  Next Wednesday will be the big day.  I just got word from Tim, (Editor of River Press,) and next week’s issue will be on Thursday.  For those of you who will be traveling, take your time.  Plan ahead in the event that we have a snow storm.  For those of you who will be staying home, cuddle up on Christmas Eve and watch “It’s a Wonderful Life,” for the as many times as you are old.  (Well, it seems like that doesn’t it?  I have watched it so many times; I believe that I could do Donna Reed’s part.)  Merry Christmas to all.

I didn’t mention last week about the Veterans interviews at the High School Library.  For the third year, the 5th Graders, with support from a High School Senior, invited Veterans for interviews about their service.  I did take a count but have forgotten what it was.  I’ll guess about 10 to 15 Veterans. 

I invited the teachers and interviewers to take a field trip to the Sunrise Bluffs to see the Veterans Photo Project.  I think that would impress them more than the interviews. 

I also invited them to our home to see Wally’s Iwo Jima room.  He has many pieces of memorabilia and stories to go with them.  For instance, he has 1 of 100 pictures of the first flag raising taken by Lou Lowry, a Marine photographer.  Wally visited Quantico in 1984 and met Lou.  The result of that visit was a copy of the first flag raising photo.  It is a treasure.  There are many other stories about the Code Talkers, Indian flutes, many framed pictures/posters, and other items.   Please give us a call at 622-3217 before you come over.  You are most welcome.

Kudos go this week to an unknown writer from Fort Benton whose letter appeared in the “Letter to the Editor,” of the Great Falls Tribune last week.  Lo and behold, the letter was written by none other than our own Gladys Peres.  It was a greatly written letter about Fort Benton’s Gold Age Senior Center.  Gladys told me that she just had to write the letter in answer to an article the Tribune published about the Senior Center in Great Falls being the only one open 5 days a week.

Here is a copy of Gladys letter.  “Regarding a recent article on the Senior Center in Great Falls being the only one being open five days a week:  Senior Center Golden Age Center at Fort Benton is open seven days per week year round.  Plus, we have Meals on Wheels and have one evening meal once a month.  It’s only closed on National Holidays.

There’s card playing twice a month on Saturdays and one every third Sunday.  With crafts and exercise, it’s a busy place.  It’s a good place to warm up, visit, and have a cup of coffee. “
Gladys Peres
Fort Benton
I know if Gladys had mentioned Pie Day, we would have had crowds of people coming into town on the third Friday of every month.  (You tell me where you can get a homemade piece of pie and a cup of coffee (with free refills,) for $2.50 other than our Senior Center.)  Enjoy those Pie Days because there are perhaps only five more until those great pie bakers take off for the summer.

Be sure to thank Gladys the next time you see her.  It did a world of good for that letter to appear in the Great Falls Tribune.  We need all the good advertising we can get and it is free.

Each year for the holidays, the River and Plains invite the Board Members, the employees at the Museums, and the volunteers at the Joel Overholser Research Center to a Christmas dinner.  Last week’s dinner was so eye-opening.  I partially know what is going on at the Center as I volunteer there once a week. (I love my work there and call it my day off.)  However, I found that I just knew the tip of the iceberg as to what goes and what is being done at the Museums and the Fort.  I do not feel qualified to write about their accomplishments and I hope that someone toots their horn in the near future. 

I do know that special kudos was given to Mary Zanto, Sharalee Smith, and Sue Lepley.  Mary received hers for her selling ability when she works at the Museums.  Sharalee is a “behind the scenes person” who does the web site and Sue Lepley does all the financial work.  (I need her to help me balance my checkbook and I know she would.)  See below for a peek at Sharalee’s work. 

There were many more people recognized for their help but these three women are outstanding.    Please tell them that you are aware of all they do for their community.

Have you seen it?  What a treat you have in store when you visit http://fortbenton.com/. It is awesome, fabulous, outstanding, the greatest, and all other words to describe perfect.  I checked out every place I could go on the site and the photographs alone tell the story.  How could anyone who is looking at this site not want to come and visit Fort Benton? 

My young readers might like this one on Sports & Leisure.  Q.  Fossils of how many different species of dinosaurs have been found in Makoshika State Park?  A. See below.


A. 10, with the search continuing