Tuesday, December 27, 2016

View From The Bridge 12/28/16

VIEW from the BRIDGE
By Muncie

I wonder if you are looking forward to the New Year. There have been so many changes in Fort Benton this past year and I still need time to adjust. In the circle of people that I know there have been at least a half dozen who have moved to Great Falls. The reasons were a different job or, medical, or to live closer to family.

My move was significant in that it propelled me into a completely different schedule then when I lived in the middle of town. Randy refers to my move as “she moved to the country.” Actually I was 4 blocks south of his house and now I am a 4 blocks north.

I am happy that the days are getting longer and soon I will be out and about with my Go-Go traveling along the Levee Walking Trail. (At least I am trying to console myself about the snow, wind, and cold.)

It is named the Full Wolf Moon. During the long cold winter the wolves would howl hungrily outside the Indian Villages. Its other names were the Yule Moon or the Old Moon.

The full moon will be on Thursday January the 12th.

The Summer Celebration this year is all about Shep. It is the 75th anniversary of his death. A few of the pall bearers are still with us and I am looking forward to their stories.

The story of Shep is known around the world. The magnificent bronze that resides in what I call the Levee Park is a tribute to Forever Faithful.

The Shep booklet is a best seller at the Museum of the Upper Missouri (the little museum,) and the Ag Museum. When volunteering at the Visitors Center, during the season, I encountered many families that visited Fort Benton just to take in the Shep spirit. The Kiddos just love him as do all dog lovers.

I’ll bring up the subject again about the bricks that surround the Shep Memorial. Since there are no longer benches and tables for a memorial to your loved ones who have passed there is another option. You can purchase a brick with your own words on it to be placed in the Shep Courtyard.  I think it is a most wonderful way to remember and be able to visit the courtyard and see your memory brick.

There is an order form on the back of the Shep brochure. You can fill it out and turn it in to the Ag Center office for the process to begin. The bricks used to be placed a couple of times a year. I do not know how the schedule is now but if you need to know, just call the Ag Center from 8:00 a.m. to noon Monday to Friday.

Please consider this option as this is a huge celebration that will take place at the end of June.  Actually, it does not have to be a death memorial. It would be a permanent memory for a birthday or an anniversary. Are there any of you out there in River Press land who will be 75 years old in 2017? Families take note and remember them with a brick.

Actually there is another option for a memorial. You could purchase a cottonwood tree for the levee. A tree would be on the levee for at least 120 years. Your great, great, great grandchildren will be enjoying those trees. Our present cottonwoods are very old and are not doing well. The cottonwoods in the Old Fort Park are being replaced with other species of trees. The reason is that if a tree disease comes along for one kind of species than all the trees would not be lost.

You would need to consult with the City of Fort Benton to choose the kind of tree that are doing well in our area. It gives one great pleasure watching the tree grow taller and stronger. Just think about it and consider it the next time you need to arrange a memorial for someone.

On holidays the Golden Age Senior Center is closed. For New Year’s Day there will be a Pot Luck. Everyone is welcome and they request that you sign up and inform them what you will be bringing. Either call the Center or stop in and sign up. It should be a lot of fun and I can assure you that the members of the Center are all top notch cooks and bakers.

You will probably not want to cook that day after a rowdy night of partying on New Year’s Eve. I’m sure that they will have a great big pot of coffee ready for you. Call the Center for details.

The dining room at the Bluffs is always open on holidays. You get a served sit down meals and they are reasonably priced. Call the Bluffs for a reservation. Over the past few years I have seen families dining at the Bluffs. I like to linger over dessert and coffee and that is the place to do it.

During the last few months there have been requests from non-profit organizations for membership dues. Please try to support them as best as you can. You still have a few days left to write checks to deduct for 2016 taxes.

“We are all here on earth to help other. What on earth the others are here for I don’t know.”  By Shaw

GOD BLESS AMERICA.  (We need all the blessing we can get.)

GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS.  (Have any of you bought an American Flag this past week?)

GOD BLESS THOSE WHO PROTECT US.  (This sentence includes Firemen and women, and EMT’s as well as Police Officers.)

WEAR RED ON FRIDAYS.  (Is it too difficult to do this?)