Tuesday, January 10, 2017

View From The Bridge 1/11/17

By Muncie

How did you survive last week? I left the comfort of my warm cozy place only once. It is kind of lonely here in the country. I did see five people who stopped over.

I was busy with reorganizing my files into a 2 drawer cabinet instead of a 4 drawer. I sure have a lot of office paper to recycle. Karen Giles came over to pick up my recycling. She is such a devoted recycler. She was in doubt if there would be recycling because of the dropping temperatures. I’ll chick with her tomorrow, Monday, as it is Sunday today.

I am happy these days because they are getting longer. Of course it is just the weather patterns but the sun comes out about 10:00 a.m. and then in the afternoon it clouds over. On the few days that didn’t happen, it was 5:00 p.m. and I could still see the house across the street. All there is to do is to hang in there and be grateful that we have not gotten the weather that some areas have. I watch the National Weather station every day and even the Deep South is getting snow and they do not know how to drive in it.

The very best result of our snow in the mountains is that we will have water in the spring. It was sad to hear that passengers, whose flights were canceled and were trapped in the terminal, had no water. I could not exist 2 or 3 hours without water. Let’s count our blessings and enjoy this New Year.

It is Pie Day at the Golden Age Center on Friday and please remember that they also have a Bake Sale. It is one of their fund raisers and your support is needed. Those members who bake are such excellent bakers and wouldn’t you love to take home some banana bread, cookies, a pie and many other goodies. See you there on Friday at 1:00 p.m. I would prefer that you could stay awhile to visit but if you have to hurry away, at least, you did make an effort to support them.

It is three weeks away and if you loved Nat King Cole you will love this show. In fact the name of it is “Too Marvelous for Words” which was one of his best songs. Actually all of his songs were “best” songs in my opinion.

Put it on your calendar now and plan on being there at 7:00 p.m. at the Fort Benton Elementary School. It is such a beautiful setting for the C.C.A.P. performances. Also enjoy the coffee, tea, and cookies that the General Federation of Woman’s Clubs has prepared for you for every show.  Remember too, that jar that sits on the table for donations. Every little bit helps. See you there.

I actually have no idea what is going on around town. I still get Meals on Wheels occasionally or eat at the Sunrise Bluffs. I do have a few friends at the Bluffs who will sit and chat over coffee and dessert but most of the residents scatter to their rooms. I meet friends at the Price Rite or Benton Pharmacy but most are too busy to have a cup of coffee and conversation. Therefore I do not hear about what is going on around town out here in the country. (If you readers do not remember or have not read our River Press for a while, the reason I keep referring to out here in the country is because son Randy tells people that I moved to the country.)

The other columnists from Highwood and Geraldine always seem to have something to write about like school news, new babies, showers, weddings, people’s travels and other town news. I reason the lack of that here is because our town is quite a bit larger than theirs. They ask for people to call in stores and I have never had that happen for me.

I am looking forward to the game this coming Friday. I missed all others so far because of the cold. It looks as though wrestling has a good start. I know all of you readers are just as proud of our teams as I am.

I just checked the Fort Benton Weather site and it says sleet today (Monday.)  On Tuesday and Wednesday it forecasts snow and it looks as though it will be 20 on Saturday.  Perhaps this cold will snap for a while. However, the scenery outside is gorgeous. The bluffs are covered with snow and no one disturbs them. Sometimes there are outstanding works of winter art that we can appreciate.

There was a bingo game at the VFW on January 2nd which was a holiday but the first Monday of the month. I didn’t check on it because it was a holiday and I could not remember when they announced the next game would be.

There will be a game next Monday the 16th.  See you there.

The Lions Club has raffle tickets on sale. It is one of their fund raisers. The prizes are Visa Gift Cards that can be used anywhere. The 1st prize is $1,000.00, 2nd is $500.00, 3rd is $300.00 and 4th is $200.00.

Tickets are available from any Lions Club Member or contact Miriam at the 1st Security Bank, 622-2015 or stop in and visit with her. I love gift cards because you can choose what you like and not a present that someone else likes for you. (Now you know another of my secrets but don’t run out and get me a gift card because there isn’t a thing that I need. That is my joke of the week.)

Would you please call me with info on events going on whether it about entertainment, education, or fund raising? I cannot keep track of all of them but would like to promote what I can. It seems I hear about events after the fact. Of course I would like to be first to announce things, wouldn’t you in my position? Ah! Such is the life when you view from the bridge.

“Ability is of little account without opportunity.” by Napoleon

GOD BLESS AMERICA (We need all the blessing we can at this time when most of us are scared to death.)

GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS (We have no idea what is going to happen to the battle with Isis.)

GOD BLESS OUR PROTECTORS (Have you been hearing on the news programs how many police officers are been killed?)


MEMORIAL DAY is 4 ½ months away.  That gives you plenty of time to buy and install an American flag.  Just do it.

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