Tuesday, August 15, 2017

View From The Bridge 8/16/17

BY Muncie

They are the cantaloupes from Big Sandy that are so famous in the area. They are delicious, sweet, and fresh picked. What a wonderful addition for breakfast or actually at any time of day for a break. Look for them at the Farmers Market on Thursday that will be back in the usual location between the Grand Union and the Information Center. See you there.

I thought the Fair would never get here and there would be nothing to do after Summer Celebration was over. Well, there were many events going on that will keep me busy. I prepared a few things to enter in the contests and it was enjoyable while I had to stay in the air conditioning during this hot, hot summer.

I am looking forward to volunteering at the gates for parking every day. I am also going to breakfast every day and eating out the whole 3 days.

I also want to explore the grounds and take in every aspect of the Fair. I really enjoy the photo and art work room. You cannot help but love the school room exhibits. They are the cutest ever. Don’t forget to play Bingo put on by the VFW.

The schedule will be in this edition of the River Press. Cut it out and check off the daily events. See you there!

I want to remind you that the $3.00 donation for parking at the Chouteau County Fair is a donation to the Lions Club. This is one of the Lions Clubs fund raisers of which they do not have many. These funds go toward scholarships not only for Fort Benton, but for Geraldine, Highwood, and Big Sandy.

The Lions Club members volunteer their time to cover the gates in all kinds of weather to help their club. Actually, it is a lot of fun for me because I see and, if time permits, visit with friends.

The $3.00 fee covers the 3 days of the fair and begins at 10:00 a.m. until dark. With costs going up every year on everything, the cost of the parking remains at $3.00 a day. That is a cost of $1.00 a day for parking inside the grounds. It is really worth the cost as walk-ins have to pay $1.00 a person. I can understand if you live close by the fairgrounds, that you would walk in instead of driving your vehicle a block or two. You must be in good health to walk any further in the kind of heat we have been having.

So reconsider if you are one of those people to choose to park in the streets around the fair grounds and walk in. You would be doing a favor to those seniors in high school who get those scholarships and the many other groups who benefit from the Lions Club.

Thank you for your cooperation and watch soon for another fund raiser projects that are in the planning stage for October.

Chouteau County Performing Arts patrons will remember the Native American singer and entertainer Jack Gladstone. He has been a friend of our family and friends to many others in Fort Benton.

Last Friday evening he and Patti were married near Browning in the most charming outdoor area. The weather was so cooperative and it was a most pleasant evening. It was a simple, heartwarming ceremony and a good time was had by all.

There must have been over 200 people there and the most wonderful one was Jack’s Mom. She is 85 years old, blessed the food we ate, and told us how she keeps busy. She sews teepees and clothing. What a charmer she was.

Jack was here for Summer Celebration and sang in Fort Park on Sunday afternoon. When the Shep bronze was dedicated, Jack wrote a song about Shep and sang it at the dedication. That was one of the songs he sang in the Old Fort Park.

Jack and Patti are planning to return to Fort Benton during the Charlie Russell event in September. If you see them be sure to congratulate them on their marriage.

I discussed a while back with someone who told me she collected buttons. If you are that person or know who it is, please call me at 622i-3217.

This request if for someone who is into collecting trains. I have a beautiful Christmas train that I bought at a moving sale and it is missing a part. I have hopes that a collector might be able to give me some advice about securing the part I need.

GOD BLESS AMERICA, OUR TROOPS, THOSE WHO PROTECT US, OUR TIREMEN and WOMEN, OUR FARMERS, WEAR RED ON FRIDAYS, and FLY YOUR AMERICAN FLAGS EVERY DAY. (I wanted to add the Farmers this week and at a gathering I attended on Saturday, it was suggested that I add Firefights. Thank you for that suggestion.)

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