Tuesday, September 26, 2017

View From The Bridge 9/27/17

VIEW from the BRIDGE
By Muncie


Rise up early on this coming Saturday morning to get to the Lions “Biggest Yard Sale" of the year. If you are a seasoned “Yard Sale’err” you know that the early bird gets the worm. You will find the Lions waiting to greet you at 9:30 a.m. at the Commercial building (inside) at the Chouteau County Fair Grounds. They will be there until 5:30 p.m.

The Lions have been working toward this sale for several months and there are many great treasurers awaiting the right buyer. These sales are such fun when family/ friends are looking at the same interesting items. How far does friendship go when that treasure is spotted? I say, “Hold your ground and no matter what, always remain friends.” You could also split the cost and then each keeps it for a month at a time. That may work or it may not. Whatever! Have a great time.

The really important thing is to support the Lions Club because all of their funds go to the good of the community. See you there.

On the first day of fall last week, there were children in the playground. Today again there were children
Here. I wonder if they were the same Kiddos. Whatever, they seemed to be having a grand time.

I always think of the General Federation of Woman’s Club of Fort Benton that was responsible for sponsoring that playground. While at the Visitors Information Center, I talked to families passing by Fort Benton. They would stop by just to let their children play at the playground. Do you remember playing at a playground? It is a treasured memory.

Another happening was that so many of the trees have turned completely yellow or had yellow in them.

It is getting dark by 7:00 p.m. and is completely dark by 7:30 p.m. That is the part that I do not like. I know that it is going to be earlier until in December it will be dark by 4:30 p.m. and actually that is about 3 months away. Since time flies when you are having fun, that should be here in no time.

Another fact is that the “Snow Birds” are beginning to leave town. I have had the opportunity to be a Snow Bird but never took advantage of that. I came from a state that had 4 seasons and it is true that I love the 4 seasons in Montana. I think it would be boring to live where it was warm all the time but that is just me. Besides, there are always events going on like football, basketball, all other sports, and Chouteau County Performing Arts to keep me here.

I know that you readers here in town and in Montana know all of the above info. I mention it for the River Press readers out of state who like to read about news at home. Hello to all of you and come to visit soon.

The schedule for Bingo to begin at the Club House will be Monday, October 23rd at 7:00 p.m. Only the Turkey Bingo will be on a different day and that will be on Friday, November 17th.

If you would like to mark your calendars the games will always on the 1sst and 3rd Monday of the month with the exception of Turkey Bingo. Here are the dates starting will October 23rd, November 13th and 27th with Turkey Bingo on Friday the 17th, December  11th only, January 8th and 22nd, February 12th and 36th, March 12th and 26th, and the last game of the season on April 9th.

All devoted Bingo players will be happy to get back into the routine during the cold and dark evenings of winter. If you are not an addicted player or have never played, come and join us for a jovial evening with family and friends. See you there.


Just as I urged you to fly an American Flag, support our Veterans by wearing red on Fridays, and other things that show your love of your country, I am now asking you to use your right to speak your opinion. I urge you to call your senators and representatives often to let them know how you feel about issues.

I have never studied politics and only know what I read and observe. I like to hear the “other side of the story.”  The only way that I know of to have my voice heard is to call those who have the power to make changes.

When an issue comes up that you and I know nothing about, is the time to call and find out what is going on. I do not particularly like to discuss issues on the phone but it is the only way. Town Hall meetings no longer seem to be happening nor do voters want anyone else know which party they belong to. That has split many a family and friends.

All of the above is not what I am trying to get across here. My point is to let those in the know, know how you what your opinions are. Thank you for your efforts. JUST DO IT!

This coming Friday is the field trip for the volunteers. We are off at 8:00 a.m. to the Ulm Buffalo Jump and Interpretive Center. The day is planned for us and from what I see on the weather reports it is going to be a great day.

The last time I went to Ulm was 1993 and I know that it has changed quite a bit. I’ll let you know next week how it went.

I should also have some info on how many visitors Info Center had as compared with the Museum’s and the Missouri Breaks Interpretive Center. Those figures always have interested me as to if tourism is up or down this year.

I am going to do some research to find how many years the Information Center has been in existence. It has to be nearing the 20th anniversary. I began writing the View from the Bridge in 1999 and that is 18 years ago. I cannot, however, remember where the Center was located at the time. I’ll let you know that fact also next week if you are interested.


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